All Users of CostOS are defined in the User Management.
To Access the User Management
go to the top-right corner of the application page and click CostOS Administrator and then click User Management.
To add a new CostOS user click on the + button
To delete a CostOS user click on the - button and confirm in the pop up window the deletion
When you want to add a user you must user's name, email. It is needed to have a unique username and a password. In the final step you should assign roles to this user.
Can Add / Edit/ Delete Users
Can Add / Edit / Delete Users to Projects
Can Assign Database Roles and Project Roles to
Can Edit CostOS Global Properties
Can Add/Remove Currencies
Can Add Unit Aliases
Create/Edit Users
Can Add / Edit/ Delete Users
Can Add/Edit Low Level Resources of his Cost Team (Equipment/Material/Labor/Consumable/Supplier/Subcontractor)
Open/Edit projects
Able to Open Projects and work on Projects as well, but based on his Project Roles
Create Projects
Can Create Project and be the Administrator of the created projects as well.
Can Delete Projects
Location Factor Customization
Can Launch the Location Factors Dialog
Can Update the Location Factors
Field/Formula Customization
Can Launch Columns Customization Dialog
Can Edit Columns Customizations and Formulas
Create/Edit Functions
Can Add / Edit / Remove Functions
Create/Edit Assemblies
Can Add / Edit / Remove Assemblies and Cost Models
Create/Edit Resources
Can Add / Edit / Remove Line Items and any other type of resource
Users that have the same CESCostTeam role are assumed to belong to the same team. This means that the resources that they create can be edited, viewed and removed by every user in the same team.
COS.MO publisher
User will be able to publish in Cosmo projects.
Create/Edit EPS
User will be able to create and edit an EPS
Adding Users with Roles to a Project
At this stage the Project has only one user that is the Administrator of the Project. Project's Administrator has the ability to add more users and administrators to Projects and also define roles for each one of them individually.