There are command line flags (or "switches") that CostOS Workstation accept in order to enable particular features or modify otherwise default functionality.
- Exit any running-instance of CostOS.
- Right click on your "CostOS" shortcut.
- Choose properties.
- At the end of your "Target:" line add the command line flags. For example:
- -exclusiveHost=
- Launch CostOS like normal with the shortcut.
Parameter | Description |
exclusiveHost | Setup selected server hostname. The flag makes the hostname field during login non editable. ex. -exclusiveHost= |
propertiesFolder | It change the name of property folder. There is a folder that application saves user properties and custom application configurations. Suggested if there are multiple installations. ex. -propertiesFolder=.costos2 create a folder in windows user home directory. Full a path declaration like -propertiesFolder=D:\costosFolder\${}\.costos2 |
logfilelocation | Define the log file location Using java system variables ex.-logfilelocation="${user.home}/logs/" Default location path is {application_installationfolder}/bin/logs |
authenticationMode | Define the default Authentication Mode ex.-authenticationMode=WINDOWS |